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Note: these programs are no longer being offered.

Interested in hosting a program for your public library, community or civic group? Our educators will travel to your location to conduct a 90-minute, interactive program. There is no charge for programs within the D.C.-metro area. Please inquire about the cost if you are outside the region.

These programs are also available as free virtual programs anywhere in the U.S. Our virtual programs are live taught and fully interactive with audience participation activities.

Program offerings:

  • Escape Junk News: Your Media Literacy Toolkit
  • The Fairness Meter: Beat Bias and Win the Battle for Your Brain
  • Media Ethics: Make the Tough Calls. Think Like a Journalist.
  • Disinformation Nation: Detecting Propaganda, Defeating Emotional Manipulation.

You may request one, two or all of the programs. To book, please complete the form below. We'll check our staff availability and respond within three business days. 

Programs must be requested at least two weeks in advance.

Questions? Email [email protected] or call the Education Department at 202/292-6650.

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