About NewseumED
NewseumED.org offers free resources to cultivate the First Amendment and media literacy skills essential to civic life. Learn how to authenticate, analyze and evaluate information from a variety of sources and put current events in historical context through standards-aligned lesson plans, videos, primary sources, virtual classes and programs.
Sign up to get the most out of NewseumED’s online resources. Being a registered user gives you complete access to our library of primary sources, artifacts and videos, including copyrighted materials. Registration is free, secure and only takes a minute.
Our online tools make history, civics and media literacy relevant to students’ lives. We use the First Amendment as a springboard to illuminate the challenges of democracy and the importance of making informed decisions in a diverse and demanding world. Read why we feel First Amendment and media literacy should be linked in education.
“The depth of questions to spark curiosity, discussion and research are very beneficial. … Your focus on primary source documents is right in line with Common Core and research — love it!” — Michele Galla, teacher, Wrangell, Alaska
Through our programs and online tools, we now reach more than 11 million students, teachers and lifelong learners around the globe. In an effort to quantify the impact on students’ learning, we hired the education nonprofit organization Project Tomorrow to survey teachers who used NewseumED.org resources in spring 2016. Here’s what they told us.

NewseumED travels around the country and the globe to present on media literacy and First Amendment topics, ranging from how to lead conversations about controversial topics to the perils of propaganda. Contact us (202/292.6650 or [email protected]) to learn more about our speakers and presentations.
“Thank you for your commitment to education on the American press; we believe that the U.S. media, while not perfect, is a great example to foreign nations of what a strong, vibrant, free press can be.” — David Kierski, U.S. Embassy in Guinea, after a virtual class

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