Civil Dialogue
Educators take on the critical task of finding creative and engaging ways to help students learn with, from, and about each other. When done using the proper skills and adult support, student-to-student dialogue about religion can change hearts and minds. This module introduces participants to both theory and practical activities to help students explore, develop, and practice civil dialogue.
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- Religious Literacy
- Educator
Kristen Farrington
- Define civil dialogue and describe the skills necessary to engage in civil dialogue.
- Civil Dialogue by Kristen Looney, Religious Freedom Center
- Please read the following excerpts from The Essentials of Dialogue (Tony Blair Institute for Global Change):
- Chapter 1: What is Dialogue? (pg. 9-12)
- Chapter 2: Skills of Dialogue (pg. 23-26)
- Chapter 3: Identity and Respect (pg. 37-38)
- What have you learned about civil dialogue that you can apply as a teacher, administrator or parent?
- How do you see civil dialogue being used, or not being used, in your school or classroom? What is the impact?