Harassment, Bullying, & Free Expression
This module discusses issues of bullying and harassment that can arise specifically around religion. Participants will learn how to identify religiously-motivated bullying and be introduced to frameworks to respond to and prevent this form of bullying.
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- Religious Literacy
- Educator
Kate Soules is a doctoral candidate in Curriculum and Instruction at Boston College. Her research focuses on teachers’ professional learning and development on religious literacy and religious liberty. She has taught students from the middle school level to the graduate school level.
- Recognize signs of religiously-motivated bullying and student groups that are particularly at risk
- Identify strategies to prevent or respond to instances of religiously-motivated bullying or harassment
- Harassment, Bullying, Free Expression: Guidelines for Free and Safe Public Schools. Religious Freedom Center of the Newseum Institute, 2017.
- “Religious Bullying and Religious Literacy” Alice Chan, McGill University
Part 1: Introduction to Religiously Motivated Bullying
Reports Referenced in Video
- Mislabeled: The Impact of School Bullying and Discrimination on California Muslim Students (Council on American-Islamic Relations)
- Classroom Subjected: Bullying & Bias Against Hindu Students in American Schools (Hindu American Foundation)
- Caste in the Curriculum & The Bullying of Hindu Students (Hindu American Foundation)
- “Go Home, Terrorist”: A Report on Bullying Against Sikh American School Children (Sikh Coalition)
Part 2: How to Address Bullying
- How many of these crimes targeted students or young adults? Does this number surprise you?
- What are common reasons for religiously-motivated bullying?
- How can educators and administrators create a safe and religiously-tolerant environment in the classroom?
- Identify and discuss some of the responses to religiously-motivated harassment you feel are the most effective.