Religion in the Curriculum
This essential module sets-out guidelines for teaching about religion in public schools. It explores how religion can be naturally incorporated into a curriculum; examines why it is important to address religion in academics; and considers the negative impact of ignoring or not teaching about religious traditions.
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- Religious Literacy
- Educator
Kate Soules is a doctoral candidate in Curriculum and Instruction at Boston College. Her research focuses on teachers’ professional learning and development on religious literacy and religious liberty. She has taught students from the middle school level to the graduate school level.
- Explain the importance of including religion in different parts of the curriculum
- Identify where religion fits into the curriculum of different content areas
- Haynes, C. C., & Thomas, O. S. (2007). Finding Common Ground: A First Amendment Guide to Religion and Public Schools. Nashville, TN: First Amendment Center.
- Chapter 9: “Religion in the Public School Curriculum” (pg. 95-110)
- “Introduction” from Taking Religion Seriously Across the Curriculum
- The American Academy of Religion’s Guidelines for Teaching about Religion
- “What is the Difference Between Theology and Religious Studies?” by Andrew Henry, Religion for Breakfast
- Where does religion appear in the curriculum?
- Why is it important to address religion in the curriculum?
- What is the impact of ignoring or not teaching about religion?