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Less than 30 minutes
  • Journalism
  • 6-12

  1. Divide students into at least four small groups. Each group will take on the role of newspaper, yearbook, literary arts magazine or website editors and staff.
  2. Tell them: Editors, reporters and photographers make content decisions every day based on their news judgment, understanding of their communities, and awareness of their ethical, legal and economic responsibilities.
  3. Have students read and complete the worksheet on what photos they would or would not use, and why.

  • Weighing Photographic Choices worksheet (download), one page for each small group playing the role of newspaper, yearbook, literary arts magazine, and student website  

Have each group share their decisions and explain their reasoning.

  • How did ethics come into play?
  • Were some photos/videos deemed appropriate for some media and not others? Why?
  • Did they find other groups’ arguments compelling? Why or why not?


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