2018 March for Our Lives: Archived Papers
Browse 20 front pages with coverage of the student-led rallies against gun violence on March 24 in the nation's capital and 800-plus other locations.
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On March 24, 2018, hundreds of thousands of young people across the United States exercised their First Amendment freedoms of assembly, petition and free speech by participating in the March for Our Lives. Although the main rally took place on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., more than 800 sister rallies were held across the USA.
The March for Our Lives’ mission was to push for common-sense gun regulations and to protest gun violence in the wake of a mass school shooting. The March for Our Lives movement was started by the survivors of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., on Feb. 14 that claimed 17 lives. MSD students organized the main rally in Washington, which attracted an estimated 800,000 participants.
The D.C. rally featured MSD student speakers and other young people affected by gun violence nationwide, as well as performances by celebrities such as Lin-Manuel Miranda and Ariana Grande. The D.C. rally also sparked hundreds of student-organized demonstrations elsewhere in the U.S., as well as protests abroad, such as at the U.S. Embassy in Israel. Satellite rallies ranged in size from 150 in Sandusky, Ohio, to 1,000 in Lincoln, Neb., to 30,000 in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Although the D.C. march garnered international coverage, many U.S. papers chose not to put the rallies on the front page. Papers that did cover the March for Our Lives tended to take a local angle, either focusing on nearby events or featuring students that traveled to Washington.
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Front Pages March 25, 2018
Browse a selection of newspaper front pages that covered the March for Our Lives demonstrations. (While opened, press the pink "view larger image" button to zoom in on a higher quality PDF file.)