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Missing Facts
Tip #1: Be wary if you don’t see counter-arguments: the facts may be incomplete. #CantDupeMe
Setting Up Easy Targets
Tip #2: Twisting or simplifying the other side's ideas can make it easier to argue them away. #CantDupeMe
Tip #3: Media manipulators promise worst-case scenarios to scare you. #CantDupeMe
Tip #4: Watch out for media manipulators who say their supporters are smarter, stronger or more attractive. #CantDupeMe
Deadlines and Peer Pressure
Tip #5: Take a breath — manipulators create a false sense of urgency. #CantDupeMe
Outlandish Outcomes
Tip #6: Look for evidence when people or groups make big promises. #CantDupeMe
Power Plays
Tip #7: Media manipulators make their cause seem more popular and powerful than it is. Watch out. #CantDupeMe
Heroes and Villains
Tip #8: Manipulators reduce people to good and evil. Look closer. #CantDupeMe
Pushing People to Pick a Side
Tip #9: Good people can honestly disagree. Watch out when opponents are framed as evil. #CantDupeMe
Cozying Up
Tip #10: Examine issues carefully — don’t by swayed solely by what seems friendly or popular. #CantDupeMe
#cantdupeme is part of NewseumED's media literacy campaign. Get more resources by signing up for a free account!