Trump Wins 2016 Election: Archived Papers
The wealthy businessman wins the presidency in a stunning upset over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.
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On Nov. 8, Republican Donald Trump became the 45th president of the United States, beating Hillary Clinton in an election that was bitterly partisan.
Defying most pre-election polls that showed a Clinton victory, Trump won by appealing to rural voters, evangelicals, working-class whites and the disenfranchised. Trump received 304 electoral votes compared with Clinton's 227; 270 are needed to win. The Clinton-Kaine ticket, however, won the popular vote by a margin of nearly 3 million votes over Trump-Pence.
Front Pages Nov. 9, 2016
East Coast newspapers, with earlier publication deadlines, were more tentative in calling the results, sometimes noting that Trump was in the lead or the race was too close to call. By the time West Coast papers went to press, several other states had announced results. Many news organizations noted that this was a stunning upset as the TV celebrity had never held a political office. A Canadian paper called it “Shock and Awe.”
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Front Pages Nov. 10, 2016
Coverage of the presidential election on the second day noted that the result was received in many quarters with grief and protests. An international paper said the election blindsided liberal America, and coverage began to dissect whom Trump appealed to and what drove the surprising election results. A Mexican paper had only a small column, noting that 29% of Latino voters supported Trump, who had spent much of the campaign decrying “Mexican rapists” and undocumented immigrants. The Akron, Ohio, newspaper published a front page editorial calling for unity in the land. Coverage began to address the transition of power and the potential impact of Trump’s proposals on local issues.