Clinton Breaks Glass Ceiling, 2016: Archived Pages
Democrats make Hillary Clinton the first female U.S. presidential nominee of a major party.
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Hillary Clinton secured the votes needed for her nomination as the Democratic candidate early in June 2016; however, she was not formally nominated until July 26 at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
On the day after her historic nomination, many papers ran stories that featured a photograph not of Hillary, but of her husband, Bill Clinton. Social media was abuzz with charges of sexism. However, Bill addressed delegates that night and Hillary was not in the convention hall. She appeared later that night in a video. Depending on their deadline, editors were left with less-than-ideal choices: use a file photo of Hillary, a photo of Bill on stage, a lower-quality photo of Hillary's video, or a photo from the convention floor.
Most papers put the historic event on the front page; however, a few, including the Juneau Empire, gave it limited space. The Vermont paper focused on her challenger and state politician Bernie Sanders.
Front Pages July 27, 2016
(While a page is open, press the pink “view larger” button under the image to zoom in on a higher quality PDF file.)
Front Pages July 29, 2018
Many newspapers covered a local angle, focusing on how their state delegation had voted or some other connection with Hillary Clinton.