World Press Freedom Map
Use this activity during a visit to the Newseum's World Press Freedom Gallery or in your classroom with the interactive map on the Freedom House website to explore the state of freedoms around the world.
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- 6-12
Not every country is guaranteed the right to a free press. In many nations around the world, journalists and reporters face intimidation, censorship, and violence. Use a map of the world to understand the varying degrees of press freedom and explore how these countries differ from each other and what that means for their citizens.
- World Press Freedom Worksheet (download), one per student
- Access to the online Freedom House interactive map or kiosk in the Newseum's Time Warner World News Gallery (Level 3).
ISTE: 7d. Global Collaborator
Students explore local and global issues and use collaborative technologies to investigate solutions.
Center for Civic Education: CCE.IV
A. How is the world organized politically? B. How do the domestic politics and constitutional principles of the United States affect its relations with the world? C. How has the United States influenced other nations, and how have other nations influenced American politics and society?
NCSS Curriculum Standards: NCSS 9
Global interdependence requires an understanding of the increasingly complex connections among individuals, groups, institutions, nations and world communities in order to identify the issues arising from global connections, and support informed and ethical decision-making.